Adding Background Music to Your Storyboard

  1. . Introduction
    • Enhance your storyboard by adding background music when exporting it as an MP4 video
  1. Accessing Your Storyboard
    • In the left-side menu, navigate to Storyboards
    • Find and open the storyboard to which you want to add background music
  1. Adding Background Music
    • In the Brief tab, scroll down and click on Advanced Settings
    • Proceed to the Video Settings section
    • Click on the Music field to upload a music file from your computer
    • Note that only MP3 format is accepted
    • Ensure that the music file’s length covers the entire duration of the video
    • If the file is longer than the video, it will be automatically trimmed at the end
    • Click Open to confirm your selection
  1. Previewing and Saving the Music
    • To preview the background music, click the Play button
    • Click Save to apply your selection
  1. Changing Background Music
    • You can change the background music anytime
    • Simply click on the Music field and select another file
    • Click Save to confirm your changes

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