Generating Images using AI

Initial Steps

  • Once you are satisfied with the concept and script, click Generate Images to proceed with image generation.
  • You will be prompted to choose from two options:
    • Default mode (Work scene by scene)
    • Express mode (Generate AI images for all scenes in one go)
  • Select Express mode.

Choosing Image Type

  • Select between standard and premium images in AI picture generator.
    • Premium offers superior image rendering compared to standard, and they are limited based on your plan, while standard images are unlimited.
  • You can set your default picture generator type in Company Settings.
    • This preference applies to all image generations, except when generating images with characters.
  • Choose the desired style.
  • If you opt for premium, the credits needed for images and your balance will be displayed.
    • Each image consumes 1 credit from your premium balance.
  • If you choose standard, no credit deduction is shown.

Image Generation

  • Note that AI will generate the images based on the input in the prompt fields.
  • For both types of images, the best results are obtained by using a clear and precise prompt.
  • Click Submit to proceed.

Regenerating Images

  • If unsatisfied with an image, you can regenerate it using AI.
    • Click Edit. You will be redirected to the frame view for the shot.
    • Update the prompt field with your desired changes.
    • Click AI Regenerate.
    • Choose the desired style.
    • Select the picture type.
    • Click Regenerate to process your request.

Finalizing and Exporting

  • The storyboard summary shows the number of shots with images, any AI generation errors, and other details.
  • Once satisfied with all the images, click the Export button and proceed to download the PDF or generate a video.