How to Restore a Previous Image Version in Your Storyboard
- Updated on December 2024
Each image used in your storyboard is automatically saved, maintaining a version history whenever an image is changed, whether through AI, manual upload, or restoration of an older version.
To restore a previous image version:
- Locate the shot where you want to restore the image.
- Hover over the image and click Edit.
- You’ll be redirected to the View Frame for that shot.
- Proceed to the Activity tab.
- In the Activity tab, you’ll see a list of all previous image versions with timestamps.
- The current image is marked as active.
- Click Restore next to the version you want to revert to.
- Confirm the action when prompted.
The image is now restored, and a new timestamp is added to the history. Note that creating a new version will remove any comments associated with the previous version.
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